Lecture 16: Epidemiology
Lecture overview
1. Epidemiology
In Lecture 15 we learned how to find equilibria and determine their stability in nonlinear multivariate models. To make this more concrete, let's consider a biological example (see Section 8.2 in the text).
Consider a population composed of \(S\) susceptible individuals and \(I\) infected individuals. We assume new susceptible individuals arrive at rate \(\theta\) via immigration and existing susceptibles die at per capita rate \(d\). We assume infected individuals die at an elevated per capita rate \(d+v\) and recover at per capita rate \(\gamma\). So far this is a linear (affine) model. Finally, we assume susceptibles become infected at rate \(\beta S I\). This is the non-linear part.
We can describe this with the following flow diagram
graph LR;
A[ ] --theta--> S((S));
S --beta S I--> I((I));
S --d S--> B[ ];
I --"(d + v) I"--> C[ ];
I --gamma I--> S;
style A height:0px;
style B height:0px;
style C height:0px;
The corresponding system of differential equations is
At equilibrium both derivatives are equal to zero
To be systematic we could start with the first equation and solve for the first variable, \(\hat{S}\), in terms of the remaining variables, \(\hat{I}\). We could then sub that expression for \(\hat{S}\) into the second equation, which would then be an equation for \(\hat{I}\) alone. After solving for \(\hat{I}\) we could then sub that solution into \(\hat{S}\) and be done. But through experience we notice that there is an easier approach.
Because the second equation is proportional to \(\hat{I}\) we immediately know \(\hat{I}=0\) is one potential equilibrium point. For this to work we also need the first equation to be zero. Subbing in \(\hat{I}=0\) to that first equation and solving for \(\hat{S}\) gives \(\hat{S}=\theta/d\). One equilibrium is therefore
which we call the "disease-free" equilibrium.
Returning to the second equation, after factoring out \(\hat{I}\) we are left with \(0 = \beta \hat{S} - (d + v + \gamma)\), implying \(\hat{S} = (d + v + \gamma)/\beta\). Plugging this into the first equation and solving for \(\hat{I}\) we see that a second equilibrium is
which we call the "endemic equilibrium" because there is some non-zero amount of disease. Note that this equilibrium is only biologically valid when the numerator of \(\hat{I}\) is positive which can be rearranged as \(\beta\theta/d > d + v + \gamma\).
Now that we have the equilibria, the next step is to calculate the Jacobian. Letting \(x_1=S\) and \(x_2=I\) we have \(f_1(x_1,x_2)=\mathrm{d}S/\mathrm{d}t\) and \(f_2(x_1,x_2)=\mathrm{d}I/\mathrm{d}t\). The Jacobian is therefore
We can now determine the local stability of an equilibrium by evaluating the Jacobian at that equilibrium and calculating the eigenvalues.
Let's do that first for the simpler disease-free equilibrium, where there are no infected individuals, \(\hat{I}=0\), and the number of susceptibles is a balance of immigration and death, \(\hat{S} = \theta/d\). Plugging these into the Jacobian gives
This is an upper triangular matrix, so the eigenvalues are just the diagonal elements, \(\lambda = -d, \beta\theta/d-(d+v+\gamma)\). Because all the parameters are rates they are all non-negative, and therefore the only eigenvalue that can have a positive real part (and therefore cause instability) is \(\lambda=\beta\theta/d-(d+v+\gamma)\). The equilibrium is unstable when this is positive, \(\beta\theta/d-(d+v+\gamma)>0\). Because this equilibrium has no infected individuals, instability in this case means the infected individuals will increase in number from rare -- ie, the disease can spread when rare.
We can rearrange the instability condition to get a little more intuition. The disease will spread when rare whenever
The numerator is \(\beta\) times the number of susceptibles at the disease-free equilibrium, \(\hat{S}=\theta/d\). This is the rate that a rare disease infects new individuals. The denominator is the rate at which the disease is removed from the population. Therefore a rare disease that infects faster than it is removed can spread. This ratio, in our case \(\frac{\beta\theta/d}{d+v+\gamma}\), is termed \(R_0\) and is a very key epidemiological quantity (you may remember estimates of \(R_0\) in the news from a certain recent virus...).
Now for the endemic equilibrium. Plugging these values into the Jacobian and simplifying gives
Here, instead of calculating the eigenvalues explicitly, we will use the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria for a 2x2 matrix.
Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria for a 2x2 matrix
When working with 2x2 matrices, there is a simple way to determine if both the eigenvalues have negative real parts (ie, if the equilibrium is stable) without having to calculate the eigenvalues themselves. These are called the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria (and extend to larger matrices but we won't cover that here).
Recall that for a 2x2 matrix, \(\mathbf{M}\), the eigenvalues can be written
First notice that the product of the two eigenvalues is \(\mathrm{Det}(\mathbf{M})\) (you may want to check that for yourself). This means that the two eigenvalues have the same sign if and only if \(\mathrm{Det}(\mathbf{M})>0\).
Second, notice that the sum of the two eigenvalues is \(\mathrm{Tr}(\mathbf{M})\).
We therefore know that the real parts of both eigenvalues will be negative (ie, the equilibrium will be stable) if and only if \(\mathrm{Det}(\mathbf{M})>0\) and \(\mathrm{Tr}(\mathbf{M})<0\).
The determinant is \(\beta \theta - d (d+v+\gamma)\), so for this to be positive we need \(\beta \theta/d > (d+v+\gamma)\), which was our validity condition (above) and also the instability condition on the disease-free equilibrium (\(R_0>1\)). The trace is \(-\frac{\beta \theta - d \gamma}{d+v}\), so for this to be negative we need \(\beta \theta/d > \gamma\), which is guaranteed if the determinant is positive. So in conclusion, the endemic equilibrium is valid and stable whenever the disease can invade, \(R_0>1\).