Lecture 21: Probability II (demographic stochasticity)
Lecture overview
This lecture was created by PhD student Puneeth Deraje as part of a course development TA position -- thanks Puneeth! If you are following along with the text, this lecture does not follow along as closely.
In Lecture 18 we learned how to model stochasticity in population genetics (genetic drift). In this lecture we'll learn how to model stochasticity in population dynamics (demographic stochasticity).
To do so we'll work with the simplest model of population dynamics possible, exponential growth (see Lecture 3). In discrete time this is
where \(n_t\) is the number of individuals at time \(t\) and \(R\) is the reproductive factor. In this deterministic model every individual had a reproductive factor of exactly \(R\) at every time step. In reality there will be stochasticity in \(R\) across individuals and time. We can account for that by replacing \(R\) with a random variable.
1. Poisson random variable
Recall the binomial random variable from the previous lecture, \(X \sim \mathrm{Bin}(n,p)\). The probability this random variable takes on value \(k\) is then
We could model the reproductive factor as a binomial random variable. For example, perhaps each individual at time \(t\) produces \(n\) offspring before dying, and each offspring survives to become an adult with probability \(p\). Using this model requires estimates of two parameters, \(n\) and \(p\). But there is a simpler way.
Let the mean number of offspring produced be \(\lambda=np\). Rearranging this in terms of \(p\), we can write the binomial as \(X\sim \mathrm{Bin}(n,\lambda/n)\). Note that the mean is always \(\lambda\), regardless of \(n\). Now imagine that individuals in the population we are modelling tend to have a very large number of offspring, very few of which survive. We can approximate this in the extreme by taking \(n\rightarrow \infty\). Let \(Y\) be this random variable, \(Y = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \mathrm{Bin}(n, \lambda/n))\). The distribution of \(Y\) is then
We call \(Y\) a Poisson random variable with mean \(\lambda\) and denoted it by \(Y\sim\mathrm{Poi}(\lambda)\). We can now model the reproductive factor as a random variable with only one parameter, \(\lambda\).
Note that the simpler Poisson distribution is a good approximation of the binomial distribution even for fairly moderate values of \(n\), as seen in the plot below.
import sympy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def binomial(n,p,k): return sympy.binomial(n,k) * p**k * (1-p)**(n-k) def poisson(lam,k): return lam**k * np.exp(-lam)/sympy.factorial(k) n = 100 p = 0.1 lam = n*p ks = range(n+1) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(ks, [binomial(n,p,k) for k in ks], label='binomial') ax.plot(ks, [poisson(lam,k) for k in ks], label='Poisson') ax.set_xlabel('number of successes') ax.set_ylabel('probability') ax.legend() plt.show()
Two key properties of a Poisson random variable are
1) the variance is equal to the mean
2) if \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) are two independent Poisson random variables with means \(\lambda_1\) and \(\lambda_2\), then their sum is distributed as a Poisson with mean \(\lambda_1+\lambda_2\)
2. Demographic stochasticity
We can now model demographic stochasticity with the Poisson distribution.
Assume each individual in the population produces a Poisson number of surviving offspring with mean \(\lambda\), independent of all other individuals in the populations, and then dies. Write the number of offspring for individual \(i\) as \(X_i\sim\mathrm{Poi}(\lambda)\). Let the current number of individuals be \(n_t\). Then the population size in the next generation, \(n_{t+1}\), is distributed like the sum of \(n_t\) independent and identical Poisson's
This implies that the expected population size in the next generation is \(\lambda n_t\), as is the variance. In Lab 11 we'll simulate this to get a better sense of the resulting dynamics.
3. Extinction
Let us now look at one property of this model -- the probability of extinction.
Consider a given individual at time \(t\). Let \(\eta\) be the probability this individual does not have descendants in the long-term, i.e., that its lineage goes extinct.
To find \(\eta\) we note that the probability that this lineage goes extinct, \(\eta\), is the probability that this individual has \(k\) surviving offspring (for all values of \(k\)) and all of those offspring lineages go extinct (with probability \(\eta^k\)). Given the probability of having \(k\) surviving offspring is \(\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}/k!\), this implies
One solution is \(\eta=1\), certain extinction. But there can be a second biologically valid solution (between 0 and 1), meaning that extinction is not certain. This occurs when the mean number of surviving offspring is greater than one, \(\lambda>1\), as shown in plot below (the solutions are where the curve intersects the 1:1 line).
xs = np.linspace(0,1,100) fig,ax=plt.subplots() lam = 2 ax.plot(xs, xs) ax.plot(xs, [np.exp(-lam*(1-x)) for x in xs]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\eta$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$e^{-\lambda (1-\eta)}$') plt.show()
Above we calculated the probability a single lineage goes extinct, \(\eta\). From this, the probability that the entire population goes extinct is the probability that all \(n_t\) lineages go extinct, \(\eta^{n_t}\).
The two major conclusions from this are
1) when the mean number of surviving offspring per parent is \(\lambda=1\) the deterministic model predicts a constant population size but the stochastic model says that extinction is certain.
2) when the mean number of surviving offspring per parent is \(\lambda>1\) the deterministic model predicts exponential growth but the stochastic model says there is still some non-zero probability of extinction.
4. Establishment
Before moving on, the above result about extinction is mathematically identical to a classic result in population genetics concerning the establishment of a beneficial allele.
Consider a population at equilibrium such that the mean number of offspring per parent is 1. And now consider a beneficial allele that tends to have more offspring, \(\lambda>1\). Then we know from above that there is some non-zero probability this lineage does not go extinct, \(\eta<1\). Writing the above equation about extinction in terms of the establishment probability, \(p=1-\eta\), we have
Now assume that the beneficial allele increases the number of offspring only slightly, so that \(\lambda=1+s\) with \(s\) small. We can then solve for \(p\) explicitly using a Taylor series expansion of \(e^{-\lambda p}=e^{-(1+s) p}\) around \(s=0\)
This says that the probability a weakly beneficial allele establishes (i.e., is not lost by genetic drift) is roughly twice its selective advantage.