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Lecture Topic Reading
1 Introduction Preface, 1.1, 1.4 (5p.)
2 Model construction Chapter 2 (34p.)
3 Exponential and logistic growth 3.1, 3.2 (8p.)
4 One-locus selection 3.3 (10p.)
5 Numerical and graphical techniques (univariate) 4.1-4.3 (23p.)
6 Numerical and graphical techniques (multivariate) 4.4-4.5 (12p.)
7 Equilibria (univariate) 5.1-5.2 (12p.)
8 Stability (univariate) 5.3 (13p.)
9 General solutions (univariate) Chapter 6 (18p.)
10 Linear algebra I P2.1-P2.4 (14p.)
11 Linear algebra II P2.5-P2.7 (9p.)
12 Linear algebra III P2.8-P2.9 (13p.)
13 General solutions (linear multivariate) 9.1-9.2 (18p.)
14 Demography Chapter 10 (37p.)
15 Equilibria and stability (nonlinear multivariate) Chapter 8 (37p.)
16 Epidemiology 294-301 (7p.)
17 Multi-locus population genetics 322-330 (8p.)
18 Evolutionary invasion analysis 12.1-12.4 (30p.)
19 The evolution of dominance 12.5 (17p.)
20 Probability I (genetic drift) 521-528, 576-577 (10p.)
21 Probability II (demographic stochasticity) 534-536, 13.2, 641-642 (11p.)
22 Probability III (the coalescent) 13.8 (9p.)