
See also ORCID


fig 1 Deraje P, Kitchens J, Coop G, Osmond MM. 2024. Inferring the geographic history of recombinant lineages using the full ancestral recombination graph. bioRxiv. 2024.04.10.588900. doi GitHub

fig 1 Ackermann S, Osmond MM. 2023. Are unicellular propagules part of the optimal life-history strategy in the face of both cancer and competition?. bioRxiv. 2023.07.17.549265. doi

Osmond MM, Coop, G. 2021. Estimating dispersal rates and locating genetic ancestors with genome-wide genealogies. bioRxiv. 2021.07.13.452277. doi GitHub software

Peer reviewed

fig 1 Lyberger K, Osmond MM, Schreiber S. 2021. Is evolution in response to extreme events good for population persistence?. The American Naturalist. 198:44-52. doi bioRxiv

fig 5 Klausmeier CA, Osmond MM, Kremer CT, Litchman E. 2020. Ecological limits to evolutionary rescue. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 375:20190453. doi som: table of moving optima models

fig 3 Henriques GJB, Osmond MM. 2020. During environmental change, cooperation can promote rescue or lead to evolutionary suicide. Evolution 74:1255-1273. doi bioRxiv

title slide Osmond MM, Coop G. 2020. Genetic signatures of evolutionary rescue by a selective sweep. Genetics 215:813-829. doi bioRxiv slides talk

art! Osmond MM, Otto SP, Martin G. 2020. Genetic paths to evolutionary rescue and the distribution of fitness effects along them. Genetics 214:493-510. doi bioRxiv GitHub poster

fig 1 Thompson KA, Osmond MM, Schluter D. 2019. Parallel genetic evolution and speciation from standing variation. Evolution Letters 3:129-141. doi bioRxiv

fig 1 Edwards KF, Kremer CT, Miller ET, Osmond MM, Litchman E, Klausmeier CA. 2018. Evolutionary stable communities: a framework for understanding the role of trait evolution in the maintenance of diversity. Ecology Letters 21:1853-1868. doi

barf bag notes Scott MF*, Osmond MM*, Otto SP. 2018. Haploid selection, sex ratio bias, and transitions between sex-determining systems. PLoS Biology 16:e2005609. [* joint first authors] doi GitHub bioRxiv presentation "press"

shiny-app Osmond MM, Klausmeier CA. 2017. An evolutionary tipping point in a changing environment. Evolution 71:2930-2941. doi GitHub slides shiny-app

Osmond MM, Otto SP, Klausmeier CA. 2017. When predators help prey adapt and persist in a changing environment. The American Naturalist 190:83-98. doi GitHub presentation F1000Prime "press"

photo by michelle tseng Osmond MM, Barbour MA, Bernhardt JR, Pennell MW, Sunday JM, O'Connor MI. 2017. Warming-induced changes to body size stabilize consumer-resource dynamics. The American Naturalist 189:718-725. doi GitHub

fig 1 Toews DPL, Delmore KE, Osmond MM, Taylor PD, Irwin DE. 2017. Migratory orientation in a narrow avian hybrid zone. PeerJ 5:e3201. doi pdf

table 2 Osmond MM, Otto SP. 2015. Fitness-valley crossing with generalized parent-offspring transmission. Theoretical Population Biology 105:1-16. doi GitHub bioRxiv slides poster

female redstart Osmond MM, Reudink M, Marra P, Germain R, Nocera J, Boag P, Ratcliffe L. 2013. Relationships between carotenoid-based female plumage and age, reproduction, and mate colour in the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91:589-595. doi pdf

special issue cover Osmond MM, de Mazancourt C. 2013. How competition affects evolutionary rescue. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368:20120085. doi post-pre-print poster slides


Osmond MM. 2018. Adaptive challenges: fitness-valley crossing and evolutionary rescue. PhD thesis. pdf

Osmond MM. 2012. Eco-evolutionary rescue: an adaptive dynamic analysis. MSc thesis. pdf

Cragg J, Burger A, Osmond MM. 2011. Radar monitoring of Brachyramphus murrelets on Kodiak Island, 2010. Report to U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska. pdf